November 11, 2011

Wespro mini laptop N720 Review

Wespro Mini Laptop with WIFI Connectivity is a good 7inches wide laptop. This wespro laptop is Portable and Light weight one which is easy to carry. Can Perform most of the same tasks as a full size laptop. Wespro laptop has Built-in 32bit CPU with high processing power but consumes less energy. Wespro mini laptop is Just the perfect one for swift and easy computing. Built-in wireless technology to Connect LAN and Access Internet in Office or Home without wires. Wespro mini laptop is Compatible to various business applications and a great productivity tool for techno geeks.

Basically, wespro is a company which is famous for digital cameras and other tech products. But still wespro has done a great job by bringing low price ‘wespro mini laptop’ into the market. It is much minimized size than ordinary laptops, so, it is very easy to carry your wespro laptop wherever you go.
Configuration of wespro mini laptop n720
Wespro mini laptop has 2 GB hard disk(4 GB in advanced). You can store some songs and lots of MS word, Excel and pdf type files. But it is not possible to store videos, movies and softwares much. RAM speed is 256 kbps in this wespro mini laptop n720. It is ok for internet browsing and to work in MS office products. But it will not provide flexibility like in regular laptop. Wesrpro mini laptop has 800 MHz processer. You can add additional storage device upto 32 GB capacity. And wespro mini laptop has 3 USB ports which is very good thing. It is useful to use a internet connection device, a external mouse/keyboard and a pen drive at the same time in your wespro mini laptop.
Advantages with wespro mini laptop n720
  • Small in size, it is very easy to carry everywhere. No need to carry a big bag like with a regular laptop. You can carry wespro mini laptop on your hand itself.
  • Cheap price, you can buy wespro mini laptop for just around $ 100. Many shops and websites are selling for more price than that. But you can get it for $100 if you go to ebay.
  • Very useful for functions like Accounting, reports preparation and internet browsing. You can work with these functions easily. Wespro mini laptop is made especially for the users of these functions.
  • It is useful for entertainment functions like, downloading and watching movies, songs etc.

Disadvantages of wespro mini laptop n720
  • Low memory. Wespro mini laptop has 2-4 GB of internal memory. You cannot save much data in your laptop. Still you can add additional 32 GB of external storage device, wespro mini laptop cannot be compared with regular laptops in terms of storage capacity.
  • As speed of RAM is 256 kbps in wespro mini laptop, you can’t work with good speed in this. It will be ok if you have to type long page, or read some articles in the internet. But it is not possible to view videos and photos online for long time.
Final words
Wespro mini laptop is useful to the users, who use laptops for e-mail checking, typing a large data and accounting works. But wespro mini laptop is not comfortable for people, who want to play high end games, who use internet very much, large data storage etc. Before buying wespro mini laptop, think that, is it useful for the functions which you use most.
wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop wespro mini laptop


Anonymous said...

ohh...well did it....

willg said...

Great review, thanks. There are just so many different Laptops to choose from.

get connected said...

Not bad...
It is good for networking testing. But none for others work like windows.

Operadores Turismo said...


Successes with the blog!


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Unknown said...

How much this product

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